Google New Algorithm February 2011 Blackhat way

Allright this is gonna be not even technique but a bit of information on what happened so far and what to do due to the big Google alghoritm changes in last days [24th february].

What was happening lately in Google ?
For start there was last PageRank update at january 20th, this mumbled SERPs a bit, then we had something that many so called SEO Gurus didnt even notice – around 10th february first changes came to Google which droped alot of parasites and doorways from the results. Alot of pharmacy spammers noticed that. Original source can be read here and its called farmers alghoritm. Read the rest

How to Get on the First Page of Digg With Your Article/Website

This post will be visible to others after some time, now only people from the newsletter are allowed to see it, so you are the first to exploit the blackhatseo method. This is called Social Media Optimatization aka SMO. Just the greyhat way.

front page of digg

What blackhat trick will we learn here ?

We will learn how to be on main page of for our niche [technology/news/polics etc].
You may get article to front page of whole digg service also [watch out thiso gives 8k+ hits in a hour, can kill your server]. Front page of niche gives around 2k per hour – easier to stand. Read the rest