Autoblogging Guide

Loads of you email me asking to show them how to start in pharmacy business online. Lets do it with a method that is simple even for noobies, the only thing you need is dedication to build you blog farm autoblogging empire.
After i saw the post about Matt Cutts ranking for buy viagra i decided to write this method.

What do i need to make autoblog ?

1. A domain
In this spectacular case we are looking for aged expiring domains with a history [and preferably even pagerank].
It is just better since they will rank faster = you will make money faster.
Some places to find such domains are or
The domain doesnt need to have name connected to your niche. You can make viagra autoblog easily on or whatever.

2. Hosting
Hosting is a key thing here. Usual hosting may not like pharmacy + alot of hosts dont like autoblogs [stealing content and blabla]. That is why i suggest a bulletproof hosting from this guys. Its been tested by me, and i assure you that none of spam/stealing content complains are going to ever reach your mailbox or you 😉

3. A banner. Something around 648×60 or maybe higher to put on top of every blog post. You can make it from the online pharmcy you will be going to promote blackhat seo way.

4. Account at some russian pharmacy affiliate.
If you never tried pharmacy business before signup to stimul cash if you already have some pharma traffic go for eva. On the hand note if you get to Eva please email me [contact in section on the right], i may help you with some setups there on start.
Why are they best? This affiliates pay weekly, dont ask for your data and dont care about blackhat traffic sources. Stimul has also not bad casino program.

How to make first autoblog
I will put the guide on how to make autoblog in points. Dont worry if you will have to comeback to this site and read it few times. After 10 autoblogs made you will do it with closed eyes.
1. Install wordpress
2. Get some pharmacy or health related theme. Really dont worry about how its gonna look like. Actually the worse then better converts.
3. In robots.txt add:
Disallow: /wp-content/cache/
Disallow: /wp-content/themes/
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-login.php
Sure there is index.html files inside those folders in new wordpress installations but still better to add this.
4. Go to Permalinks in menu and make them Custom Structure /%postname%/ or even /viagra/%postname%/ [little trick ;)].
5. Go to discussion – tick off Allow people to post comments on new articles , Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article (slows down posting.)
6. Go to Posts, Pages, Links and erase everything.
7. Make main wordpress category [buy viagra] and put it as a general category is setup.
8. Edit in ‘themes’ ‘single post’ and ‘header’ and put there your previously made banner linking to pharmacy main site.
9. Install this plugins for SEO:
Google Sitemap Generator [just run it, it will submit your sitemaps everywhere]
TwitMe [put there your twitter account, abbout getting traffic from twitter ill teach u other time]
DDSitemapGen [make static page inside your autoblog called sitemap and put there ]
Platinum SEO [choose main keywords, description, make it autorewrite titles]
Similar Posts [make it put 5 posts inside]

Now we are ready to start setting up the autoblog.

Autoblog Plugins Setup
1. Wp-o-matic Configuration
Great and free autoblogging plugin. To setup wp-o-matic is preety easy. First find blogs will full rss feeds to fetch. Wpomatic cant fetch full feeds from partial ones. What does it mean ? If you enter you see the posts are not complete. Such blog is not good to fetch unless you have custom plugins [like me;)] so just find other one that is preety frequent updated. Choose something from health niche for your autoblog theme if you wont find exactly pharmacy ones.
2. Autoblogged Configuration
This is not free plugin, so you will either need to use alot of wp-o-matic or buy autoblogged.
Either way it can fetch full feeds from any blog you choose, or can fetch stuff from,technorati itself. You just put keywords and frequency of posting and thats it. Its really simple + authors give good guide on using it.
3. Rewriter plugins
If your domain is aged enough you may need it less but still you will need it. I use custom ones but theres alot of plugins around. Also in wpomatic there is ‘replace’ functions. To make simple changed in each campaign for example set to change Cialis to Viagra, Kamagra to Lovegra. Mainly drugs from same group and some common words – doctor to dr, hospital to clinic. More or less you will get some unique words easy way.

Make Money Online Automatically

Make Autoblog Farm
Make many autoblogs, add some Link Farm Evolution free blog farms interlinks and start linking your blogs slowly. Don try to fight the world within night, it may take even 1-1,5h month till you see organic traffic from google and the money flow.

Ending Words
The next post will be permanently closed and i will share a bot that will speed up your autoblog creation. I know theres more autoblogging plugins and i know i could write more about setups but i dont want to saturate everything. I opened your mind, now put a bit of yourself inside and believe me you will earn from promoting pharmacy online.
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6 thoughts on “Autoblogging Guide

  1. Thanks for the info. I will try a few stuff listed here cos i’m trying to combine a genuine blog with seo traffic tactics

  2. Great Knowledge Sharing Post. To be honest, Autoblogging is too cool. My newsite is PR0 but it is still on the top listing of some keywords due to take advantage of autoblogging. Always help you to find somewhere less competitive.

  3. Hey this could be the answer to my questions, I’ve been wanting to start autoblogging for long, a bunch of ebooks I’ve bought didn’t really help, it looks like that you really know what you’re talking about.

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